To engage the researchers with the industry to translate the results of the university research into the product and to play an interfacing role between the university and the industry by providing the interaction between the industry and the university for the needs of the industry.
Finding and matching of researchers with companies to be supported in R & D projects,
Coordination services to be provided during the execution of the projects,
Project management, Project management.
To ensure that scientific studies of academicians are made available to the service of the company and commercialized,
To ensure that the industrialists' needs related to R & D and innovation are directed to relevant field academicians and the cooperation is realized,
Mediating between business ideas supported by national and international funds,
Building bridges between industrialists and the University
Mediating the creation of national and international business partners,
To provide interdisciplinary cooperation, to enable the industrialists to benefit from university facilities,
Providing the technical, administrative, financial and legal support that the parties need during the contracts and collaborations made between the university and the industry,